El fotoperiodista Albert González segueix el conflicte del Sudan des de l'any 2009

El festival internacional de fotoperiodisme més prestigiós projectarà les fotografies del fotoperiodista en les sessions professionals que es van inaugurar el passat dissabte

26 february 2016. Malakal : Akki Adduok, a displaced woman residing in the Protection of Civilians (PoC) site in Malakal, South Sudan, sits in the spot where there used to be her shelter.
Fighting between elements of the Shilluk and Dinka communities erupted in the Malakal PoC on February 17 and continued on February 18. UN reports confirm that armed men in Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) uniforms entered the UN camp and fired on civilians, looting and burning tents. At least 18 people were killed and more than 90 wounded.
After the clashes, Dinka families (approximately 4,000 people) fled outside the PoC and sought refugee into Malakal town, while about 26,000 Nuer and Shilluk IDPs, mostly women and children, sought refugee in the former PoC.
Photo by Albert Gonzalez Farran / AFP
photo_camera 26 february 2016. Malakal : Akki Adduok, a displaced woman residing in the Protection of Civilians (PoC) site in Malakal, South Sudan, sits in the spot where there used to be her shelter. Fighting between elements of the Shilluk and Dinka communitie

Albert-2016-Digital-420x323El fotoperiodista Albert González malgrat que va néixer a Barcelona té un estret lligam amb el territori lleidatà on ha treballat en diferents mitjans de comunicació, però la seva sensibilitat i el seu compromís social el van portar a buscar nous horitzons des d'on poder transmetre la realitat gràfica.

Des de l'any 2009 ha estat el testimoni d'excepció del conflicte al Sudan i la crisi humanitària dels refugiats de la regió del Darfur, possiblement un dels esdeveniments més cruels i al mateix temps més silenciats. Les seves imatges d'aquest drama les han publicat rotatius de tot el món.

3 February 2016. Thonyor: A large number of people wait  for food air-drops by ICRC, outside Thonyor, in South Sudan. ICRC is conducting an operation of food distribution for around 25,000 civilians who are still suffering food crisis since the armed clashes broke out in October 2015.Fighting between Army forces and Sudan People's Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM-IO) took place following a brief takeover the neighbour town of Leer by rebel forces on October 2, 2015. Government forces pushed the rebels out later that day. The clashes were followed with intensive looting by armed men who entered the all humanitarian compounds and stole equipment, medical supplies and money. The humanitarian personnel were evacuated and didn't regained access until December, but it's not fully operational yet. Thonyor is still under control of the opposition movement.Photo by Albert Gonzalez Farran - AFPVa viure en primera línia la independència de Sudan del Sud i des del 2015 resideix a la ciutat sudanesa de Juba, des d'on està seguint una nova crisi humanitària que torna a ser totalment opaca als ulls del món. Però el fotoperiodista ha tingut l'oportunitat de donar a conèixer la realitat del nou país africà, amb el treball South Sudan:Hunger, The Ultimate Weapon, el que podriem traduir com -Sudan del Sud: La fam l'arma definitiva- un recull de fotografies que es projectaran en les jornades professionals del Festival Internacional de Fotoperiodisme Visa pour l'image que es va inaugurar aquest dissabte a Perpinyà, i que es prolongarà fins a l'11 de setembre.

3 February 2016. Leer: Members of the South Sudanese army patrol the half-emptied village of Leer, South Sudan. A large part of the civilian population fled the village due to the fighting between Army forces and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM-IO) on October 2, 2015. Government forces pushed the rebels out but the clashes were followed with intensive looting by armed men who entered the all humanitarian compounds and stole equipment, medical supplies and money. The humanitarian personnel were evacuated and didn't regained access until December, but it's not fully operational yet. Photo by Albert Gonzalez Farran - AFPVisa pour l'Image, el més important festival internacional de fotoperiodisme que reuneix a professionals d'arreu del món presentant reportatges captivadors, que s'exposen en els edificis més emblemàtics de la ciutat, el que aporta a la mostra un atractiu afegit al missatge de la pròpia obra dels autors.

Albert González Farran, és un fotoperiodista independent amb 17 anys d’experiència. Des de 2015 viu a Juba (Sudan del Sud), col·laborant amb fotos i vídeos per a l’agència AFP i organizations humanitàries. Prèviament va produir documentals multimèdia a Egipte, Turquia, Itàlia, Suècia i Catalunya per a l’Organització Internacional per les Migracions,Save the Children i la Comissió Catalana d’Ajuda al Refugiat.

11 May 2016. Wau: Displaced people (IDP) recently arrived to Wau, South Sudan, due to armed clashes in surrounding villages wait to be registered by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the World Food Programme (WFP) on May 11, 2016. According to the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission of the South Sudanese Government, Wau has experienced the arrival of more than 95,000 new IDPs in the past six months due to these clashes between cattle keeps and agriculturalists, with Government and rebel forces also involved. This massive arrival of IDPs made this city highly overwhelmed with urgent need of extra services on health, food, water and sanitation. The prices in the market became higher and the rate of malnutrition increased three times in the past months. According to UNICEF, more than 30% of children in Wau currently suffer malnutrition, when the city used to have the lowest rate in the country, around 10%.Photo by Albert Gonzalez Farran - AFPL’Albert ha estat també fotògraf de les missions de pau de les Nacions Unides a l’Afganistan (UNAMA) el 2015 i al Darfur (UNAMID) entre 2009 i 2014. Anteriorment va treballar per a diversos mitjans a Espanya, Perú, Irlanda i Irlanda del Nord, a més de produir dos projectes personals a Bòsnia i Etiòpia.

Llicenciat en Filologia Catalana per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1997), té un Màster en Fotoperiodisme i Fotografia Documental impartit per la Universitat de les Arts de Londres (2013) i un postgrau en Comunicació per al Desenvolupament de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona (2005).
